South Hadley Routes 202/33 Corridor Rezoning

The Town of South Hadley is in the process of zoning amendments for the Routes 202/33 corridor based on the recommendations of a Corridor Study adopted in January 2022 [HERE]. Funding for this project is provided by a Community Planning Grant from the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities.

The Route 202/33 corridor is the most heavily traveled corridor in South Hadley, and contains a broad mix of residential, open space and recreation, and commercial uses along the approximately 1-mile length of the two roads. This section of roadway links South Hadley in the north to Granby and Chicopee in the south.

The intersection of Routes 202 and 33 at the heart of the corridor is one of five commercial nodes in South Hadley and, is centered between the Plains Elementary School and the Big Y shopping plaza.

Our current project seeks to now develop new zoning tools and design guidelines to create a vibrant mixed use corridor where people live, work and play. Through the website tool below, please identify what your vision for the corridor.

What is a non-conforming parcel?

In South Hadley's zoning bylaw, a nonconforming use is defined as: A use of a building, structure or lot in a manner not in accordance with the use or dimensional regulations of the district in which it is situated. Click on the button below to check the non-conforming parcels in the Route 202/33 Corridor.